Monday, November 2, 2009

party crashing

October 21

After work Hillary, Becky, and I went on a mini-pub crawl.  We were supposed to meet up with a club from Imperial College but couldn’t find them so just did our own little crawl.  We went to two places in Notting Hill, the Sun Inn Splendor and the Prince Albert.  At Sun Inn Splendor we discovered great bar food and the tastiest beer ever-Fruli! It’s a Belgium white ale that is strawberry flavored. New fave.  The Prince Albert is another nice little pub in the area that was full of legit British people (you can tell because they are all wondrously fashionable) and had a small beer garden in the back.

We moved on to the Imperial pub to meet up with a group of our friends.  Little did we know that we were crashing a graduation celebration.  Imperial College is mostly guys and often compared to London’s version of MIT.  A lot of smart British boys, all in full suits for their graduation.  It was a sight to see.  Weird that they graduate in October though.  They explained to us that they are done with classes in May, go start working, then come back to actually graduate.  

As one dapper young man explains his experience, “The real world is rubbish!”  Words of wisdom, I say. 

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